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Vulva's Herstory:

For centuries we have been living in a mysogynistic patriarcal society that kept womxn in the kitchen, sweet, quiet and ignorant. Asking of them only to spread their legs and give birth to the future generations. This is the END of it! 
As most people don't know their ways around the vulva, not even the proper name of it, I decided  to create a "not a vagina" collection. 

Little tour of the VulVa: 

Dear Mxn,

Don't you think you have been spared by the disasters of Patriarcal culture. An exemple, while womxn were prohibited from accessing economical and political power, You were deprived of owning your own emotions... Because "Boys don't cry", or "boys must show strenght", "be Virile"... BLABLABLA...
...So time to REBEL yet?...


Interview about my work (French) :

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